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Information we receive

We receive two types of information about you: this is your personal information that you have knowingly agreed to disclose to us by completing various settlement request or feedback forms, and secondly, this is technical information automatically collected by the Site's software during your visit.

Personal information reaches us in several ways:

  1. Filling out the wedding calculation form and feedback form. In order to request a quote or feedback and to receive emails from us with the relevant information, you need to provide us with your email address and your name. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not verify its accuracy in any way.
  2. Technical Information. During your visit to the Site, the Administration automatically obtains information from the standard server logs. This includes IP address of your computer (or proxy server if you use it for Internet connection), name of your Internet provider, domain name, browser type and operating system, information about the website from which you are visiting the Website, pages you visit on the Website, date and time of your visits, files you downloaded

Use of Information Received

  1. We use the email address you provide to send you an offer that includes wedding budget calculations, explanations, general information about weddings in Georgia, information about existing locations and pictures of them, as well as any other information relevant to your initial request for a wedding calculation and feedback.
  2. The technical information is analyzed by us in aggregate (anonymized) form to analyze traffic to the Website, and is used to make suggestions for its improvement and development. The link between your IP address and your personal information is never disclosed to any third party.

Providing information to third parties

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. We never share your personal information with third parties, except where we may be expressly required to do so by law (for example, at the request of a court). All contact information you provide to us is only disclosed with your permission. Email addresses are never published on the Site and are only used by us to contact you.

Data security

We do not store the information we receive from you on our website, we use amoCRM to store it. This system guarantees the security of the data storage and its protection from intruders, and its security policy can be found here:

Final Provisions

The information we receive is necessary to communicate with site visitors and is not used for any other purpose. We respect not only your privacy but also your time and privacy.